Hello Everyone! Happy first day of May! Since the first letter of May starts with a "M", I thought it would be really fun to make it "M Month!" I thought it would be cute to focus on the dolls that American Girl has come out with that their name begins with a "M"! Each week, we will be focusing on a different doll. During the week, we will be doing a fun activity for each of the dolls. Most activities will be different for each doll. For the dolls that aren't on the website yet, they will actually be joining the website! You will get their page and get to see all of their collection, which is really exciting!
Let me tell you how we are breaking things down and what doll we will be focusing on when!
First Week: Sunday, May 3rd-Saturday, May 9th
Doll of the Week: Molly McIntire
Second Week: Sunday, May 10th-Saturday, May 16th
Doll of the Week: Melody Ellison
Third Week: Sunday, May 17th-Saturday, May 23rd
Doll of the Week: Maryellen Larkin
Fourth Week: Sunday, May 24th-Saturday, May 30th
Doll of the Week: Marie-Grace Gardner
Each Sunday, we will announce the doll of the week. Then one day out of the doll's week, we will be doing a different activity! So be checking back and watching our social media for the doll of the week activity!
So that is the everything! Let me know what week and any ideas of an activity that you would like to do!
See you next time!

Wow, I didn’t know Molly aired on Disney Channel!