American Girl History is a website where any collector, fan, or customer of American Girl can come see the history of the beloved doll company. American Girl History hopes that every time somebody visits the site, they leave with the following: more knowledge about American Girl, more inspiration to play and have fun with their dolls, and have more love and more appreciation for American Girl. Now, have a look around!
​Please note that American Girl History is not affiliated with American Girl or Mattel.
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
Fun Fact: This quote inspired Pleasant Rowland to create American Girl and the quote is on the walls of American Girl headquarters.
Check out all of the new items on AGH!
July 1st-31st
In this release, the following pages were released: Chrissa Maxwell, Gwen Thompson, Sonali Matthews, McKenna Brooks, Corinne Tan, Gwynn Tan, and Lila Monetti.
The following pages were updated: Birthdays, Girl of the Year, Individual Character Pages, and Collector Series Dolls.
June 23, 2024
In this release, the following pages were released: World By Us, Makena Williams, Evette Peeters, Maritza Ochoa, and Numbers 21-40 on Truly Me Dolls.
The following pages were updated: Girl of the Year, Birthdays, Julie Albright, Kirsten Larson, Addy Walker, and Josefina Montoya.
This list of what is new on the website is regularly updated, so check back often! AGH Blog always has more details, so feel free to check it out!